Spirituality: A Trend?

One thing that appeals to me the most in a man is ‘love for God’, I don’t mean you necessarily need to be so ‘spiri-koko’ cos me sef I don’t want to marry Pastor, but I just need that gentle, genuine consciousness of God in your heart. And to be honest, marrying a believer is one of the safe things to do cos a man’s love for you may not exactly stop him from hurting you but his fear of God might. I’m not exactly here to gas up ‘spiritual’ people but there’s a statement my mum makes that is highly debatable cos it is relative, she says;

‘an unbeliever can never be better than a believer’

I know better than to argue with my mum (don’t get me wrong, my mum is very objective and allows us air our opinions and she even accepts when she’s wrong but I don’t want her getting the idea that I want to bring ‘Omo Wobe’ home)

So I have just one issue with this statement, how do we define spirituality, the most popular answer would probably be ‘by their fruits’, meaning you can see it. That settled, so it means we consciously show through our actions, abi? So my own question is what is now the motive behind it, to be seen as spiritual? Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good thing to be identified as being spiritual but make sure what you are portraying isn’t a facade. Let me explain myself, a lot of times we’ve seen spiritual (in quote) people that their morals are highly questionable so i’ve always wondered if they can actually be said to be better than an ordinary person who has very high morals and just learning God in the little way he can (perhaps maybe just going to church).

The major problem I’m trying to address here is that instead of some of these ‘spriritual’ people to admit (personally) and work on their flaws, a lot of it is masked in spiritual “gassing up”. Having flaws doesn’t exactly make them hypocrites but I’ve noticed some actually like the trend, and others are so focused on spiritual lingua, activities and confessions that they fail to address their actual shortcomings realistically. I don’t mean we should focus so much on our flaws such that they now become our consciousness, but we should realize, acknowledge and work on them purposefully and not get so immersed in self-aware ‘spirituality’ that you have badged yourself because you do certain things and some don’t, so you judge them (or not). This thing hits “spiritual brothers” most, one day we will talk about them but today is not the day.

whereunto I labor also, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily (Colossians 1:29)

meaning that there is the work of God that he does (through his spirit) and there is the work you put in yourself, so you don’t automatically change by being born again, the change just becomes easier cos you are being helped.

Relating with a number of ‘spiritual’ people who listen to sermons, pray in tongues, read their bible often, etc and they have the worst attitudes, it initially used to surprise me but I now began to analyze it and I realized that they are so focused on attaining spirituality by consciously doing certain things and they fail to acknowledge the weaknesses and excesses of the physical self.

I understand that we are not perfect as humans and that is my point exactly, your own imperfection is in something, another person’s is in another thing. Address your own, don’t ignore it under the guise of spirituality, be aware of it, be humble about it, don’t place yourself on a pedestal above others by your works, in summary stop being judgmental. This thing is a personal thing, face your lane with God and don’t try to impress anybody with being ‘spiritual’.

I had these ponderings since last week but talking about the same issue with my friend on Monday just made me put it down into words. So now, my main goal is to pray to marry someone I love (and vice versa of course, I can’t love you and you won’t love me back. lol), has sense in the most broad interpretation possible (lmao) and who is teachable. Periooddddd.

This is my own two cents. Drop yours so the basket can be full 🙂 XOXO

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